




ASTONISHED at the outcome

曬你單:   訪問:419   日期:2022-08-22
ASTONISHED at the outcome
ASTONISHED at the outcome

HU-KWA. I originally ordered this tea as a "test drive", being curious about the "smoke" flavor described in the item description on the website. I have NEVER enjoyed flavored teas (i.e. Teas flavored with secondary aromas or infusions of fruit or tannin) and have long-enjoyed earthy, natural teas (toasted rice green teas among the favorites). 

When my initial order of Hu-Kwa tea arrived, I was taken-aback by the extremely pungent, smoky aroma. The aroma was akin to day-old burned logs, bordering on over-powering. Nonetheless, I brewed my first cup and was ASTONISHED at the outcome. The first sip laid to rest any worry I had - IT WAS AMAZING! As with any lapsang souchong tea, the smoky flavor should serve only to complement the natural earthiness of the tea. This tea not only follows that rubric, it defines it. Before even touching my lips, the aroma permeated my palate, setting up a wonderful first sip. 
